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Primarily book reviews of whatever I'm reading [mostly military history]. Also commentary on military affairs and current events.
Actually, if you want to think about it another way, The Hobbit provides a nice little allegory to the U.S. situation in Iraq.He then lists various comparisons. This is not only allegory for the Iraqi adventure but for just about any war.. Let's take three examples.
The Iraqi Medical Association, with which all physicians must register to practice, estimates that at least one-third of the country's 40,000 or so doctors have fled to Jordan, Syria and other countries. Waleed Khalid, the association's vice president, said the organization issues 30 to 50 "certificates of good standing" to Iraqi physicians every day -- forms that any doctor must have to work abroad, he said.Interesting historical note. One of the final attempts of the Roman Empire in the West to hang on was to attempt to stop people from changing jobs. Suffice it to say it didn't work.
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