Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Forearmed: History of the Intelligence Corps by Anthony Clayton

Forearmed: History of the Intelligence Corps by Anthony Clayton is a history of this British military unit. There were ad hoc military intelligence organizations put in place up until the late 19th century. It was only in World War I that the Corps was created. The bulk of the book is taken up with the second world war. There were various intelligence gathering techniques including photo reconnaissance, prisoner interrogation and signals intelligence. The differences in Outlook of Germans from different areas where interesting. The postwar history of the unit is described particularly its involvement in various counterinsurgency operations. There are notes but no bibliography. There are appendices. I would have preferred a little more objectivity in this book the core never did anything wrong. Which tends to be one of the weaknesses of unit historys.


For more WWII book reviews Take a look at My World War II bookshelf.

For reviews take a look at My Insurgency/Counterinsurgency, Partisan and Guerrilla Warfare bookshelf.

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