Tuesday, November 06, 2007

History of the Second World War by B. H. Liddell-Hart

History of the Second World War by B. H. Liddell-Hart is a massive history of this conflict. The structure of the book is basically a narrative history of the war. I was rather surprised that there wasn't more analysis of the various strategies and tactics used. After all Liddell-Hart was a tank theorist Descriptions of the fall of France and Nazi attack on Russia seemed to be rushed. There's quite a bit of "I told you so". The "academic footprint" is minuscule for a 700 page book. There's only 2 pages of bibliography mostly seems to be official histories and memoirs. I was expecting too much I guess.

Recommended it does provide a decent narrative history of the war but if you're looking for something more analytical you'll be disappointed.

Is available through Abebooks.

For more WWII book reviews Take a look at My World War II bookshelf.

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